Friday, December 10, 2010

In The Beginning...

God said “Let there be LIGHT”.  Was that really the first thing? NO, first was the thought, the thought became an intent, the words a voiced intent and thus thoughts became real.  Is it any wonder why our thought have such power to change our world?  Never underestimate the power your thoughts can have.  They care the energy to create a universe.

Be mindful of your thoughts.  They have the strength to not only build mountains, but put those mountains in your way.  They can build you up, and bring you to your knees.  It’s amazing how something so simple as a thought can convey so much power.  Do you know how to harness the power of your thoughts?  Some days, I think I do…other’s not so much.

Do you have the courage to follow through with your thoughts? Now, that..that’s a tough one.  Our thoughts are our dreams and not all our thoughts come to pass.  No one likes to watch a dream fall apart.  *I have a ‘thing’ a quirk if you will. I rarely write down my thoughts and ideas.  It’s something that has totally frustrated more than one person.  I stopped to analyze why that was.  Why wouldn’t I write down my ideas?  The answer was actually rather simple.  Writing them down meant it was a plan, a course of action that had intent behind it, and if it failed then I failed.  As a thought, I was merely a dream and if it didn’t come to pass it was just an unrealized dream. 

So do thoughts without intent have any meaning?  Yes and no, but they have less power without intent.  Thoughts followed by intent…can have a snowball effect into manifestation.  And that grows, oh how it grows.  It’s frightening in it’s strength and power.  There is nothing quite like the feeling the universe brings to you when you FEEL it backing your every THOUGHT and ACTION. 

And so this blog starts, with a thought, with the intent of sharing my experiences and the misadventures that come my way; Are you willing to share in what manifests?  Are you scared? I am…but we’ll get over it.

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